Three-Light Tester Versus Ideal SureTest

I conducted an experiment in which I tested receptacles with different wiring problems. I tested each wiring configuration with both a three-light tester and a SureTest circuit analyzer. I will show the results of each of these tests so that you can see the advantages and the limitations of these two devices.

About Me

Welcome to my blog. I have been a home inspector in the Abilene, Texas and Brownwood, Texas area since 2002. I love the job that I do, and I love the people I meet.

What is a Reverse-Fed Breaker?

In a back-fed breaker, the wires that are bringing the power into the panel are connected to the back-fed breaker just like they are connected to any other breaker. This means that the power is going backwards through the back-fed breaker and then to the main bus.